Mental Health Blog

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I Persist: Seeking Counseling Is Alright

Is it alright to seek counseling? Dr. Patricia V. Smith is a fellow Jamaican. This accomplished entrepreneur has numerous accolades including: Multiple education degrees in Nursing; A Multimillion-dollar home healthcare agency; Businesses in the United States and in Jamaica; Over 500 employees; Philanthropic endeavors; and A published biography, I Persist By all accounts, Dr. Smith...

The Intersection of Boundaries and Culture

Boundaries are limits we set to create a healthy sense of personal, physical, and emotional space. They help us distinguish our desires and needs from those of others. Healthy boundaries allow us to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions and prevent us from being manipulated, violated, or mistreated by others. Culture encompasses our history,...

Blog Self-Talk How do I forgive myself

It’s International Women’s Day. Dr. Thema Bryant said, “Forgive yourself for the things you did when you didn’t know better …” As women, we are usually extremely hard on ourselves, and we tend to forgive others before extending the same compassion to ourselves. Forgiveness is a process that begins with our self-talk. This process looks...